Sunday 24 April 2011

special days

I love the easter holiday weekend. Its spring time and the summer is ahead of us. Good times.

Ive had a lovely day spent with my parents and have had another lovely long walk with my two special boys. He he Charlie and hubby. Both are now snoozing on the sofa. What a dog on the sofa i hear you say.... what can i say, he likes his home comforts.

Do you like my little chicken egg cup? i couldnt resist. He was reduced to a pound. He now sits in my kitchen window along side a wooden duck carved out of an old log.

I sneaked a bit of lovely knitting time early this morning when most of the country was still asleep. I love early spring mornings and a bit of crafting gets the day of to a good start. Another little flower brooch looking for a good home.

Im enjoying creating flowers at the moment. Must be all this lovely weather we have been having lately.

Lots to choose from. Decisions decisions.

I hope that you are all having a lovely Easter day my lovelies. Melanie x


  1. Easter blessings and joy to you all. Sounds like a most wonderful day. And yes, I can see Charlie snuggled and asleep as well. They are part of the family! Love the knitted flower, very pretty.

  2. I've just found your blog and honestly it's so lovely! I enjoyed all your posts, such a beautiful place! Charlie looks so cute too! :)
    Sounds you had a great time! Hope your new week is fabulous!

  3. Ooooh do more knitting posts! Go on! I ask from a totally selfish angle as I'm learning to knit, I started on Saturday!

